For all these characters to be millionaires, can't they find someone else to have sex with or be romantic with except the same old people over and over. This show needs new interesting characters. 1. Why would Nick be attracted to Phyllis after all the evil she's done to him to and his family? Unrealistic! He's single now let him date some other rich single ladies who are living the good life. 2. Out of all the restaurants in that city why would rich Kyle and rich Summer have to end up at Nola's? 3. Devon is a billionaire and all he does is hang out in coffee shops and his apartment. Why isn't he wheeling and dealing, living the super life like a billionaire while being altruistic? 4. Why can't the doctor find love and intrigue in the hospital? These characters are unrealistic and some of the story lines are boring. Summer and Theo were interesting before they broke up and she got with boring Kyle. Chance and Abby are interesting. Devon and new girl could be interesting if you'd let them spend some of that money. Bring back Lilly and the twins. Bring back Ashley and some handsome 60yo man who could make us older ladies swoon. Billy and Phyllis (the one that left) had good chemistry. Match him with someone spunky and cute. Get with it!