Terrible from someone who has been a “heartie” since the beginning very disappointing there was no mystery has to who was going to be chosen going back to last season and the Christmas show where the dance of Ladies choice told you who would be the choice
From someone who is portraying this perfect princess and thinks she knows how to tell everyone else how they should live and what is best in their lives just terrible writing and storyline terrible example for young women watching this show
I will not be returning as a “heartie”
If Hallmark is even considering bringing Lori Laughlin back you should think about the families and students that worked their butts off to get into a school like USC and didn’t because of Lori Laughlin and her money for 2 kids that didn’t care one tiny little bit about going to college
I am a single parent whose daughter worked her butt off and is finishing her second year at UC Davis and I didn’t have $500,000 or have to bribe anyone to get her there
She ought to still be in jail as she had no remorse whatsoever
If Hallmark stands behind their trademark
Bringing Laughlin back shouldn’t even be in the realm of consideration or a moment
Of thinking about it