Spoilers Present.
The other one star reviews talk about everything else wrong with the movie. So I want to focus on one particular point. The need to put men down in order to uplift women. The first introduction to the prince we have shows the prince and his friends as idiots with the Princess Laura treating him like a child explaining countries and conquest to him. If that was the only time, I could chalk it off as the prince simply not being that intelligent. But No! It gets worse, with Princess Gwen being the only one who seems to have intelligent and reasonable ideas, and the forced male dominance structure in the strange setting of the movie. I couldn't tell if it was medieval, 17th century or fantasy. I mean they use catapults, but also use coal as their energy source? Come on Princess Gwen, make up your mind! Towards the end, the King serenades the Queen telling her she is the most important thing in the world. And the Queen gets an extra kick out of telling him he is wrong in public. Wrong about what exactly? I understand you want to feel liberated, but if you're going to point out someone's mistake, it should be meaningful! To top it off, the Prince has to sacrifice HIS dream of becoming King to be with Cinderella. Cinderella is more than willing to leave him in order to pursue her dream, but he has to give up his dream to be with her. Of course, it is his choice and he said he realized he didn't really want to be king anymore. But he should make that decision on his own terms, not because he is afraid Cinderella will leave him! I really think both dreams could have worked well together, considering how the King changed how he treated his own Queen. Cinderella could have continued to make dresses as Queen, and Robert could have still been King with Gwen being his advisor and focusing on affairs of state. But laughably, Cinderella has to give away her own freedom and power and serve another Queen in order to pursue her dream. That too, with a dress that was not her own creation being the one that caught the Queen's attention. The biggest flaw in this movie, is something that is corrupting many works in mainstream media. The emasculation and denigration of men in order to empower women. It is wrong and that is not the message we should be giving to people in these times. Whatever happened to equality?