I don't typically watch horror or scary movies because they don't really appeal to me. This movie I wouldn't even call it that, it's more suspense with a splash of sci-fi. I wanted to watch the first movie to gain some context but apparently with my Prime account I have to pay extra to rent the movie (no thanks).
The story opens up at a baseball game (flashback for those who didn't see the first movie) which is interrupted by a meteorite appearing in the sky to what can be described as minutes later, aliens trashing the city. Think of the aliens as Venom having kids with an orangutan. First thoughts, ugh I got to stop watching these Netflix/Amazon movies with CGI aliens. Watching them slap/throw/crush people feels like slapstick comedy.
Chaos is everywhere and apparently people forgot how to drive smashing into things (reminds me of Bird Box but at least they go crazy). These aliens are overly sensitive to sound which causes them to throw a temper tantrum, seeking the source of the noise. This has flaws when you apply the faintest grade school logic, how about non-humans? Will the aliens go ballistic when there are birds flying above? Or how about crickets? How about the countless other things that make noise... man these aliens are going to have a tough life here on Earth!
Fast forward, the mom with her deaf kids are leaving their farm because apparently the barn is flooded and burning. They walk barefoot because they don't want to make any noise but later in the movie, other characters are walking with shoes and don't have any issues. Hmm...
Without writing play-by-play of the movie, it is overly predictable. From where they are going next, the jump scares, and who they will face along the way. Some things don't make sense, like the trip wire and the bear trap... Why risk making noise if you are scared of the aliens.. to the son who is caught in the trap running around scenes later (going up and down the ladder) despite the mom saying you'll be in a lot of pain later (ventures out for medication).
The cinematic shots are nice, the acting is good (emotions and facial expressions) but the script is blah and the aliens running around hilarious. Some decisions are pointless or questionable, but made to advance the story and give the opportunity for the aliens to show up. One thing I found overly dumb was the dock scene. You have a whole bunch of people hiding on boats and they manage to attach a bunch of jingling cans and bottles on Emmett (trapping him, if you can even call that). Dock people: We are kidnapping the girl but please don't make any noise because aliens will come. What do you think will happen?
Later we discover an island colony free from aliens (because we learn they can't swim). One alien who was killing all the dock people happens to get trapped on a boat (free floats to the island) and carnage begins again. Question: Does that mean all the island countries are safe from aliens?
I think a good horror movie makes you paranoid to sleep. It makes you afraid of what's under your bed, in your closet, etc. when you are alone at home. This movie makes you scared of bad script writing and makes you want to seek a new profession and become a screen writer simply because you think you can do a better job. I think what Hollywood movies lack is that they keep using the same boring template adding a different theme each time. They need to be more creative and have the characters develop more logic, like the same we would use if we were put in a similar situation. Two stars at best because of the nice locations shots (good scouting work) and acting despite a dismal script.