Ok so where do I start? Firstly I expected more from this movie because of the trailer. I genuinely thought the father and son bond was going to be explored on a deeper level and the complexities involved with a neglected child and an absentee father's relationship would be discussed sadly that did not happen. The story line and characters are so basic it's just pathetic. However in the first half at least the movie was tolerable. If they had ended the movie within an hour after that without all the unnecessary nonsense of the affair, ranbir kapoor's character's abusive nature toward his wife, etc maybe I would have given this movie 2 or 3 stars but the 2nd half just completely ruined any redeemable qualities of the movie. As a woman I cannot watch a man be abusive towards his wife and sit there and go "oh it's just a movie". There might be people capable of that I'm not. All in all it is truly sad that such a horrifyingly misogynistic movie can be called a masterpiece by anyone. It is horrifyingly painful to realise that the standards of critics and even some audience is so low that even a little amount of decent action is enough for them to overlook the misogyny, the non existent storyline and the lack of any effort to give the characters more personality than just 1 line. It is genuinely worrisome that such movies can be called masterpieces.