I am a massive fan of The Matrix. So much so, I watched them all again before this came out so it was all fresh in my head.
I didn't read any reviews or spoilers as I did not want to go in bias. I went in with low expectations as there are very few releases that better the first.
Sadly, a day after watching this movie I still feel really let down. I honestly think Neo's character was neutered to the point of being 'old, past it' and 'boring' I think this was the main reason for not liking this instalment. I felt like I was frustrated the whole time due to his constant weakness.
I actually liked the young, fresh cast and considering, they did well. Although, introducing such bad comedy into the mix should have been avoided.
Finally, all the flashbacks OMG.... they were relentless. All through the movie, from beginning to end. Hated them.
The good parts for me were the 'machines' I actually liked the introduction of these 'creatures' teaming up with the humans. I also liked the humans new city.
The special effects they 'redid' in the action scenes looked better in the 90s. They were hard to look at.
All in all, only 2 stars from me. Not the worse, but below average. You should not side-line the action hero guys... c'mon.