Daredevil is the one of those few shows that ties the knot on the perfect present of tv show running.
I’d go as far as Saying this in terms of how tv shows should end daredevil is right up there with breaking bad and the office in terms of How great it is by giving you all the questions and answering them before the seasons finale.
Covering a multitude of comic arcs and putting their own twist
no other show makes a blind boxer style vigilante look more badass.
Without spoiling too much there’s a reason that people were talking about hallway scenes till the end of this series.
Netflix’s greatest marvel showcase before it was canceled due to marvel studio rights.
In terms of everything superhero
This show is one of my all time favorite superhero Shows that’s so rewatchable I’m getting excited enough to watch it a fourth or fifth time.
If you haven’t seen it
Nothing beats Charlie Cox’s performance in terms of likeness and conviction.
If you haven’t seen it
I promise you won’t be disappointed.