I guess Irish Americans aren't entitled to their heroes. John Kelly, the character in Without Remorse and all the other Clancy books, was Irish American. I'm sure this actor is a good actor, but he is not what Tom Clancy wrote. Someone here wrote the ethnicity wasn't key to Clancy's book. Really? The character's Irish heredity is a very prominent part of Clancy's book and all of his depictions of 'John Clark.' On top of this, they changed the bad guy from a Florida pimp to Russians retaliating over the CIA led-raid of a Russian army weapons outpost in Syria. And the CIA officer - Ritter - was the bad guy who forced the raid! In Clancy's books, Ritter is dislikable but he is not a liar and a criminal. So it is anti-American government, too. That is so not Tom Clancy! The plot has nothing to do with the book. The only way to watch this mess is to pretend that it has nothing to do with Tom Clancy or his work. And assuming that it isn't Tom Clancy's work, then maybe it gets two stars, and that is being generous. Having said that, I kind of like the female SEAL leader character. She was cool (although not realistic, since there are NO female SEAL members.