This film is so awful. It's devastating. It's literally something a 12 year old with a Sherlock obsession wrote on her Wattpad account, complete with WHat If ThIS FaMOuS CHarACTeR HaD a LiTtlE SIsTEr No ONe KneW AboUT AnD SHe WaS PReTTy aND SmARt aND PErFEcT aND ShE WAs sO DIfFeRenT FrOM OTher GIrLS AnD sHE fELl IN LoVE...." and daring train scenes with crappy acting, cliche elements abound, and a title character so desperately trying to be different to mask her abandonment and self esteem issues. Do not watch, it's absolute cringe. If you do, pull up your Tv Tropes list for this film, and take a shot every time you see one on screen. You'll be dead of alcohol poisoning midway through.