Zombies is great, I haven't played the campaign yet but according to all of my friends it's great.
My biggest problem is multiplayer.
-First the sliding and movement is so weird, the sliding feels like you're receiving a huge lag spike.
-Next is the attachments, their are so many attachments half the time I feel like I'm just putting them on randomly not knowing which one is the best. And not to mention getting all the attachments is a grind.
-Next is the shotguns. They're so op it isn't even funny. The fact that they're a SECONDARY and not a primary is laughable. I play customs with my friend on pc and he uses a sniper and a shotgun that half the time two shots me.
-Lastly and in my opinion THE BIGGEST PROBLEM is the players and how they play. Every game I go into it's camping sim 2020. Everyone gets a kill and sits in a corner. It's extremely frustrating and ruins the game.
Other than the game is great and I will still play it a lot:)