One episode is out till now but this story is something unique. I've been watching k-dramas since a long time but have never watched something like this. Song Kang's acting skills are incredible. His role in Love alarm was also very catchy. And Han So Hee also has very bold character. Talking about this drama, it was the starting but I felt many emotions. Their young love seemed very passionate. Can't wait for next episodes to air :)
Episode 2: Damn!! It totally changed my point of views towards k-dramas. This is highly recommend to those who wanted to see something more than pecks and passionate kisses. I was astonished when I watched their bold interaction. Butterflies all over my stomach. This drama is worth watching. Ahhh!! I'm very excited to see how's the story is going to take turn. Can't wait, won't wait type of feelings all over ;)