I was very disappointed with this movie. You cannot portray a story of hope, forgiveness, or redemption without the Gospel. Either they watered it down to appeal to all audiences, or they themselves do not understand the Gospel. This movie was not about salvation through Jesus Christ, and it was not about anything the Scripture says; it was about human emotion, in particular the emotional high we feel from listening to a beautiful song like “I Can Only Imagine.”
Salvation is not some hazy, nebulous transformation that occurs throughout a lifetime. It is a one-time event that God brings about when you repent of your sin and believe in Jesus Christ! It is being made right with God through His sinless Son’s sacrifice and being born again through the Holy Spirit once and for all. That is the change, and that is the only thing that gives us the hope of heaven. I hope those who watch this movie will not be led away by the sensation, but look to the Scriptures, for in the SCRIPTURE is eternal life!