The Division 2 starts off with a bang and keeps on going. Stunning visuals and near perfect game mechanics work together to make this an absolute must have game in 2019.
The Division one had substantially more story, deep use of "echoes" and "Cell recordings" gave a true sense of loss and fear of what was and is happening in the game. The game play left a lot to be desired in the early days but the story drove it through.
Enter the Division 2. Taking all they had learned with the continued success of the first game, they have crafted a very real and functional D.C. however they killed my favorite part of the first game, the story. The cellphones and Echoes are back but feel empty compared to the original. There's no sense of terror in the streets with the factions attacking pedestrians at random once seen.
Make no mistake that this is the best we have seen in a long time and the story that is there is good, it's just lacking that Clancy depth I came to love through his writing. Hopefully more story content will come out and we will get a worthy successor to character form the first game.
Mechanics, outside of the seemingly fixed invisible walls, are incredibly well done. The AI are fast and actually seem to think for themselves and their group, seeking protection when under attack and going for the throat when you take accessive damage. It's ruthless and unrelenting in all the right was. As is with any good action movie, there's great flecks of humor thrown in. Try listening to the AI during battles, you'll be laughing as you get and hand out a whooping.
I have yet to complete the main story but am actively working on it and looking forward to playing it through. The challenges ahead for new agents will cause frustration but ultimately feel worth it. Hats off to Ubisoft, you knocked it out of the park, just give us a little more story, background and lore. The visuals will keep us around but the story is what keeps everyone talking about *blank* mission even after beating it for the third time.
Side not if the development team sees this.
Thanks, you've got a forever customer in me.
Please make killing deer worth food, all these animals running around and no one's hunting them with people starving. The Pentagon and the Smithsonian Zoo would make for some great visuals too. Can't wait to see what you guys have I. Store for us going forward.