I’ve seen a lot of reviews of this game that just cover the base level and make it obvious that those people have not actually experienced first hand and based their opinions off of the leaks or only knowing the major plot points with little to no context, which I do not agree with in any form at all. It’s a game that you need to experience first hand for true immersion and to develop a deep appreciation for it, even if it’s just for the effort put into if you still don’t enjoy the story. Ashley Johnson, Troy Baker, Neil Druckmann and the entirety of the NaughtyDog team deserve endless praise for their dedication and the courage they had to follow through with such obviously controversial ideas. I believe that a lot of these poor reviews come from people don’t understand that all the uncomfortable things that you have to play through are intentional (and if you are aware and still dislike it that is fine) and that you aren’t supposed to see Joel as a hero from the first game or agree with Ellie’s motivations and actions. It’s intentionally designed to make you question these characters you’ve grown to love through the first game, it’s supposed to make you question your own morals and what your reactions to these happenings would be (as seperate from our real world as they may be). It is by no means a perfect game and I do have my own discrepancies against it however, the blatant and unforgiving review bombing on this game is completely undeserved and my well wishes and praise go to Neil, Ashley and Troy. It’s definitely a game that you have to experience for yourself, so please, for your own sake, if you are considering playing through it, do so with an open mind and open heart. Don’t give up on the game after some things happen that you disagree with as you will lose so much of the emotion and power in this art form. Again this is not a perfect game but in my opinion it is a fantastic story that challenges your own morals and it’s ambiguity.