I love this book. Okay fine, I cheated and listened to it on Audible. But the princples made sense to me so I tried it. I gave it my all. Prepping and eating the same four meals really worked out for me. My mindset was really into it too. So for 30 days, I did it religiously. I lost 16 pounds and two dress sizes. But the odd thing is, everyone that I know was remarking about how "much smaller" I was. The scale didnt move that much but all of my clothes are baggin off me. Two dress sizes is a lot. Folks love to say, dont pay attention to the scale but I was raised where the scale is gospel. NOW I know better. Fat takes up a lot of room. Muscle does not. It sure seems like a simple concept but when that scale doesnt move, you just get frustrated. I know I sure did. But when I tried on my favorite pair of old school (red tag 501) Levi jeans....thats when I knew. I made sure and took all of those supplements too. I sleep solid, and went to the DRS. and all of my numbers are perfect. This book is amazing. Tons of Valuable information.