I didn’t really like the show. At the beginning I thought, my expextations were false and it could be a great show, but at the end I genuinely wanted the bad guys to win just because the children were so annoying. Don’t understand me wrong, not everything is bad about this show, I think Jude Law did a great job. But aside from that, the show is pretty bad. Fern is the most annoying character I have ever seen and -in the name of feminism- she has to be always right and the smartest of the group whilst Wim is always portrayed as the dumb and naive one. To top it off, the acting performance of Ferns’ actress is incredibely bad.
In the end, the show does‘nt even make any sense no more - like why didn‘t Jod just shout these four annoying brats? Then he would have had all the credits he ever wanted. But not regarding what would be smart, he holds them hostage, even when he hears them plotting to stun them.
In conclusion I wouldn‘t recommend someone older than the age of 12 the show as it‘s just annoying to watch.