I think God made Adam and Eve.....The Bible clearly states what happens to those who choose this way of life....He also gave us free choice so it is a persons choice and American right to do this...do I hate? Not at all..I love everyone but I speak to you that choose this..Please think about where you would end up if you died right now. Somebody said what the Bible is wrong I said well I win either way.. although I know the Bible is not wrong but no as a Christian man I love everyone I truly do and so does God but people mistake God God is also a god of wrath and he will bring wrath down on this type of living call this big specifically about it and your DNA is either a boy or a girl it's not transgender I'm sorry it's not it's not gay it's not that it's not......that is fact.....anyway please please even if you feel angry about the Bible or bad feelings about the Bible please read it one time that's all I ask. Because that's a Christian man I do read what your literature is so do that for me do that for yourself most of all ask God to reveal himself to you thank you very much God bless each and every person out there