I read this book because I was tired of watching my credit card balances rise due to over spending on my credit cards so my score dropped and I did not understand why and I was not saving any money. However, after reading Dr. Credit King's (book) Credit Check-Up and understanding his concept of credit, money; within six months this book changed my life.
The Credit Check-Up is a direction in my life to make transition, but before the steps comes the cornerstone of the whole program: a written budget and a notebook and a 5 year calendar from 2019-2025. The book displays a wealth of information from celebrities, models actors and actresses. Mr. Briggs has helped with financial advice.
Chayo's book Dr. Credit King's Credit Check-Up helped me to budget my bills and his teachings helps me to manage my spending so I am able to obtain good credit with a low interest and I was able to get approve for a mortgage ($558,000.00) loan and I purchased my home
Lauren Lake
Atlanta, Georgia