Dr Tim Flannery explores the prime causes of the rapid change in our weather patterns since the Industrial Revolution and into the current Information Age. Our planet cannot sustain our increasing need for fossil fuels and as Flannery explains our focus needs to be on alternatives such as solar and geo-thermal methods to give light and power to the modern age.
It is a fascinating read and sadly Australian government's have failed to embrace Flannery's vision. I encourage everyone who wants to make and see real change in the way we live our daily lives to buy this book. Climate change is real and the frequency of natural disasters all around the world such as floods, bushfires and violent storms are becoming greater in number. Animal habitats and trees, the lungs of the Earth are being destroyed, sea life in Antarctica has been affected, and the oceans are becoming warmer, destroying the beauty of The Great Barrier Reef.
Tim Flannery's book, like Dr Bob Browns 'Memo For a Saner World' , both contain a very powerful message and that is, we only have one Earth and it is very precious and sadly , very damaged. Is all hope lost or do we still have enough time to put things right? I hope so.