Raw, Real, transparent. You forget the cameras are there and just get immersed into the lives, thoughts, actions of these two people whose lives change forever when they meet each other.
Soulmates don’t have to be romantic partners. I believe, In a way, these two are.
The growth you witness over time from them is just beautiful.
It drives home the point that truly seeing people for who they are deep inside, rather than how they’ve become because of pain, Is powerful enough to inspire that person to live, dream and hope as well
Karl-Bertil is such a freaking inspiration. The inner strength, vulnerability, courage, battles, growth, love, purity you see in him is just phenomenal. When he peels off all the layers he hid inside; to try to escape years of pain he couldn’t escape, then all you see is this gentle, beautiful, hopeful, loving human being.
And Barbora, her boldness, courage, fearlessness in understanding, empathizing, and looking at people and things through a different lens is just inspiring, warm, makes you curious and frankly fascinated with her mind.
And I found it interesting to see how they both had in a way “addictions” they used as an escape though one was legal and the other not legal. In the end, all forms of escape affect the core of a person - stops them from seeing who they are and the strength they have to embrace the pain and walk through it.
Btw, Barbora, if you ever read this, know that, when it comes to your art, it’s inevitable that someday, all you’ll hear from curators is “yes after yes after yes”. If I ever visit Norway, any gallery, exhibition with your art will be on my list of places to visit. Your art is exceptional.
Also, so much respect for the system and people at Halden Maximum Security Prison. Every prison in this world should be modeled after this one.
To the documentary crew, from the camera crew to the director and everyone in between: What a fantastic freaking Job!