I haven't read the books yet but I can't shake the feeling the these episodes from the series are giving me less than what's to expect.
I am sure that PJO has a great story to tell but in this case, is not telling it.
One major thing I'm bothered so much about is the pacing. With only 30 minutes per episode, it seems as though I am being dragged through places quickly. I never got to sit on and soak all the goodness of every set.
They even got the time to put some flashbacks that seemed important but it just removes you from the feel of the story. It never really an integral part of the story. For me, those flashbacks try to attempt to give us the emotions we should feel on the story of the adventure they are having, but it is not successful in doing that. It was a sad attempt but it is ruining the pacing of the storytelling.
There are more things in this adaptation I can't wrap myself around but the pacing is what really stood out for me that was wrong.
I really wanted this series to be a good watch, but it is not doing that for me.