This movie was okay.. I think it COULD HAVE been really great IF they either A: Actually kept it as an actual remake of the cartoon version, like how they did with the live action remake of Beauty and the Beast.. but they changed almost EVERYTHING in this new Little Mermaid film.. and I am NOT talking about the ethnicity or skin tone of the actors at all. I know that was a thing when the cast was forst announced, but i honestly could care less about what skin color the actors have, they could have made them blue and green like in Avatar for all I care.. but my issue was the way they changed the story and the sets and the whole look and feel of it was all so different..for me it was NOT a live action remake of the ORIGINAL cartoon movie. Which brings me to B: If they had marketed this film as just a NEW little Mermaid film and NOT an actual remake of the cartoon, THEN I think I would have really enjoyed it.. as it is however, I was unable to get through it all in one sitting, I was getting to angry and upset over all the changes.. it took me 4 different times to get through it.which is a major bummer because I really was looking forward to this live action remake.. but it was a major let down, due to the huge changes to the story and the set and even the changes made to the songs along with the extreme CREEPY LOOKING fish and sea creatures!! I seriously don't understand how or why they made those sea creatures ALL look like pure nightmare fuel!! This also includes the bird Scuttle.. it is supposed to be a seagull not whatever that bird was supposed to be.. there is also no bird in the world that can stay underwater THAT LONG.. yes many bird species do dive down to get fish but they are unable to just swim around and stay underwater that long-woth the exception of the penguin-also the lack of having the fish Flounder in SO MANY SCENES was an EXTREMELY BIZARRE choice because he was Ariels best friend.. yet they really didn't have him in it at all. The film just just had so many glaring differences to me that I couldn't get through it all at once.. I know for me, as well as MANY people my age who were young when the cartoon film of The Little Mermaid came out and for many of us we watched and rewatched it many MANY times, and it was the favorite movie for SO MANY kids in the late/end of the 80s and early 90s, and when you loved something THAT much and then see them "remake" it and in the process they CHANGE SO MUCH OF IT.. that is a big let down and can be upsetting to people that had hoped to feel some kind of nostalgia while watching this new version with our own kids.. again it was an okay movie.. it just is NOT AT ALL an actual "live action remake" of the original cartoon movie.. anyone who LOVED that original cartoon and can remember it fully and the songs still word for word, for those of us like that this is and will be a let down for that reason.. They did SUCH a GOOD JOB when they did the Beauty and the Beast live action remake because they they DID totally follow that story and set and plot and everything so perfectly it was a great thing.. so I had such high hopes for this Little Mermaid.. so i was extremely let down by it. Just call it something else and have it be a new movie all of its own and NOT call it a live action version of the cartoon film, because it is not that.