Wayyyy too long a movie for a soap opera, spaghetti western silly drama. What started, and was played off, as a serious story of the Genocide of this Native American tribe evolved into a silly drama between the local White men. The topic of the movie was like the brushstroke in a watercolor painting. Scorsese had the opportunity to present a huge cinematic event and it fell short. NOT one of his best offerings. DiCaprio's character Will, did not play up to his past cinematic achievements. He hemmed and hawed through the entire movie and did not possess the backbone he should and could have. DeNiro was excellent but lost his accent through the movie. Yet another character that did not live up to his past performances. Molly, Will's wife, was such a strong character and she portrayed her extremely well. I just kept waiting for her to step up regarding wrongdoings. I could feel it was on the tip of her tongue but she never did. Then they slip in a slight mention of the KKK, what?! Overall the movie was a major disappointment about a time in history that we know little about. If anything it left me with an interest to learn more about the horrible suffering the Native Americans endured. THAT is where I thought we were going..... sadly not. The ending WAS perfect for a spaghetti western flick. 😂
Scorsese should have sold it to Netflix or Paramount where it was better suited.