One of the worst movies I have seen in a while. The acting between Usher and the main woman character is horrendous. The annoying voices, flat jokes, and weird conversations. The best acting performances coming from Dolly’s father and Kevin Hart. Then there’s the weird switch in the movie where it turns racial. At first it was just the fact that Usher took a bullet for Dolly’s dad and Usher was a DJ/aspiring business owner and then was asked to be Dolly’s bodyguard/driver. Then the movie switched into them in love but it being forbidden because he’s black. That theme was nowhere present at the beginning and seems to be a grab at a social issue. It lost complete sight of big themes such as Usher wanting to own his own business, music being important to the story (the movie is literally called In The Mix, AKA DJ mixing music). They attempt at this through terrible racial jokes and again, boring stereotypical acting such as the rich white boy “acting black,” racist father, etc. Not to mention, the borderline offensive and nearly nonexistent depictions of Black women and other Black individuals. This whole movie is a strange twisted way to justify interracial dating (which even at this time I don’t think many people had an issue with) and some weird grab at a love story. Embarrassing movie, so much so that I had to write a review. Please don’t waste your time.