Does anyone else HATE how there are "rules" to the game and NO ONE ever frickin listens to them?! They are told to make a choice in a certain amount of time and their choice can either kill them or not, but the choice either way will save the others. Instead of making a choice the characters just yell and scream and waste the WHOLE allowed time to pass. Screaming "I can't I can't". Omg just do it!
Not that I've ever been in that situation, but you KNOW you are going to die in 60 seconds anyways, wether you make the choice or not, so why scream and yell you can't for the whole dang 60 seconds! It's SOOO annoying. Or of the other players manages to Garner you a little more time and instead of doing the 1 thing that would save you, you instead waste that time saying, "omg thank you, you did it, you saved me"! And then you die bc you didn't DO THE THING that the other character got you extra time for in the first place!!
I just think this type of writing is stupid and unrealistic.