If you combine, cliched dialogues, a below-average and overused plot, redundant theme, and monotonous setting, You get a movie like this. It was a difficult movie to tolerate for this long time. It is a film that is best avoided. It is a waste of time and money, and it will only leave you feeling sad and disappointed. If you are a fan of the Transformers franchise, you will be disappointed by this film. If you are not a fan of the Transformers franchise, there is no reason to see this film. You will be better off spending your time and money on something else.
The film is a bland and uninspired rehash of previous Transformers movies. The action scenes are dull and repetitive, the characters are one-dimensional and uninteresting, and the plot is predictable and nonsensical. The film is also marred by poor CGI, inconsistent editing, and a pushed nonexistent humor.