An absolutely terrible game. Looks great but clearly they only put effort into making it pretty and not actually thinking about the game play. Spent 3 hours sailing solo and gathering treasure to get stuck with in a tree which forced me to quit out. Lost all the loot I had gathered since I “intentionally” left the game due to being stuck. Then spent another chunk of time looting and had it taken away by a team of four. Not opposed to having to fight to keep the loot but they spawn back on their ship so it’s 4 on 1 until they beat you and take all your hard earned treasure. Also still not sure what I’m working for either. Everything seems to be purely cosmetic which is mindless and boring. These people probably think they’ve created a masterpiece and I would agree when it comes to the art and design aspect but it’s a miserable gaming experience. I remember being hyped to play this when it came out. I was sorely disappointed then and nothing had really changed. Time to uninstall and never look back…