I was at the premiere of the original Crow in 1994. This was at a now defunct movie theater in Philadelphia. I remember winning the tickets from a radio call in contest. The actress who played Sara (Rochelle Davis) from the original was there, introduced the film and hosted a brief Q&A afterwords. In my opinion (The Crow:Salvation) is the only movie after the original that seems more faithful to the source material. I'm not a big fan of Kirsten Dunst as the sister of the victim. Although Alex Corvus (Eric Mabius) was exceceptional as the anti-hero. The daughter's father (William Atherton) usually is relegated to corrupt or just plain put upon characters in films. I did notice that the main character (Alex) takes a long black coat near the end. It was slightly over the top when he seemed to fly towards the finale. While it may have looked a bit cheesy, still was a nice touch. There is a reboot soon to be released (2024-2025). I understand Hollywoods lack of fresh ideas for movies recently. 🎬 An original stand alone movie should be left at that and not to over saturate theaters with reboots, remakes, sequels and whatever more times than not is an unwatchable story.