If you didn't like the first one, don't even bother trying it out, it's the same game, hey took a page out of Blizzard's book of "How to make a sequel" but messed it up even more.
They somehow managed to make the game look worse, I have no idea how some people can look at this and think it's fine or better, your eyes get absolutely bombarded with oversaturated effects that fill entirety of your screen.
New feature? Cool! Where? Items not being categorized into magic and physical categories? This is literally how SMITE was at the very beginning.
You don't get to keep your skins, you don't get to keep your god pack, you can't even play it because it's not free2play.
Hi-Rez is absolutely delusional and detached from reality if they think this will bring in new players, because it won't even bring in the old ones. No one wants to play THE SAME game again, but start from scratch with some scraps as a reward for playing the previous one for thousands of hours, it's not inviting, it's the very much opposite.
I've put more effort into this review then they did into that "sequel", go play The Predecessor.