It has come to my attention that you are engaging in a pattern of harassment against the tenant in unit 114. I understand that you have engaged in yelling, use of derogatory language, and physical intrusions in the form of repeated knocking at the premises, disturbing the business and its customers.
By this letter, we hereby demand that you immediately cease and desist from such harassing behavior. Further harassing actions by you or your agents will subject you not only to injunctive relief in the form of a restraining order to prevent further civil harassment, but will also subject you to liability and damages for, inter alia, intentional and/or negligent infliction of emotion distress, civil harassment and stalking.
I am informed that your harassment stems from a belief the debris is being deposited on your premises (or in common areas adjacent your premises) by the tenant in unit 114. That is simply incorrect. You are leasing a lower unit, located under “floating stairs” with large openings that let material pass through. The laws of physics, and specifically gravity, dictate that material falls downward. If you have issues with the frequency and/or manner in which the stairs or any portion of the upstairs areas are being cleaned, then I suggest you take that up with the landlord.
Much like how the odors, vapors and exhaust from your restaurant necessarily drift upwards (and which, to my knowledge, no one has been harassing you about), dirt, pollen, leaves, bugs and other materials which may temporarily alight on the upper floors of the building necessarily make their way down over time. If you believe that such material is not being properly cleaned, then that is an issue between you and the landlord.
The tenant in unit 114 has been extremely understanding of your business, and your customers’ repeated improper parking in the spaces designated for unit 114. They will not tolerate further harassment from you, and if this harassment does not stop immediately, will take all necessary action to prevent further harassment, and to recover damages for the harassment that has already transpired.