Great! I had a similar situation. I work for hourly wages at Costco. On that day a customer came up to me angrily snatched the leaflets I was distributing and said "racist". At first I thought he was referring to someone, but later i realized he was talking about me. He came back and asked for manager, seeing he was disturbed I pointed him to the customer service desk. Only at that time I realized he was calling me as "racist". I was almost certain I will be fired. Till that moment I have not seen this individual later I realized he was with family. A little bit of background the person was Chinese band he had limitation in English. I was a dark Indian many mistake me to be Caribbean affected by Stroke. My movements of hands and walk are clumsy and limited. Over the years I have observed, his community is a closed one. Almost I have never see a Black person or an Indian work for Chinese generally even with many limitation they have a superiority complex, obviously because of their light colored skin. I am always fearful of them they always use keywords like "Racism" and situations against Innocent people like me. Please Held.