The show's scripted like a poorly-written Nickelodeon show. Most of the actors are D-list and don't offer anything special/memorable to the cast, which isn't bad in itself, but it's disappointing to see wasted potential. The recurring protagonists don't particularly offer anything either, often relying on outside characters for developing the plot to never use them again.
What really did me in was the featuring of Alan Ritchson (Jack Reacher) as the father. If you've seen the show 'Reacher' you know this man can act. But this show makes him look like a bumbling buffoon.
I REALLY wanted to like this show. A show about a high schoolers grappling with cancer? There's so much potential and it's executed past the point of laughably bad, it's saddening.
Tell you what...Play a drinking game: if you see a scene or "punchline" with bad acting or bad execution, take a shot. You'll be falling down the stairs by 20 minutes.
Obnoxious laugh tracks. Bad acting. Bad writing. Bad characters. PLEASE do not watch.