This show is trash. It's a bunch of ignorant communists talking about how Biden should throw "all Republicans in jail" 🙄. They are the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen. They are ill informed Id even go as far as to say they pander to misinformation. They don't want us to have our freedoms unless we think & believe exactly as they do if you don't we'll then your a criminal & they endorse illegal & immoral action against you. Let's not forget the death threats to trump either if someone said those same things about the embarrassment that is Biden oh my God it would be days of them calling for legal action & whoever said it to lose their job. I can't even get through a full episode it's so bad. The garbage & hate they spew is unreal. Its basically a communist propaganda talk show if I saw it in a communist country & they changed the names around it would fit right in.