I love this book, I'm actually surprised that no one but a review for this book. The plot was so well set up, the surprising wedding everything was spectacular I'm only 13, but this was the total definition of love to me. On pages 223 and 224 I was so shocked that I had to pause for a few minutes or so because I was so surprised by the plot twist. The possibility of you responded is so low but, please if you can respond it would mean the world to me. But again thank you for the wonderful books, never stop writing. As Walt Whitman says "the body sluggish aged and cold, the ember from earlier fires all duly flame again." For we all shall grow old but in your hearts, we are as still as young as we were the day before. Never forgot to continue being who you are as a writer, we need more poetic writers like you. Thank you so much for the inspiration to become a writer myself, I can never thank you enough. Have a wonderful today, tomorrow, and future.