Can I just watch one show where this alphabet community BS isn't forced down our throats? These people are 5% of the population and less yet it's in every damn show now. I don't mind it being in some shows when it's necessary to tell a specific story but what we're seeing now is insane. Listen I've got no issues with these people, absolutely none whatsoever. If you're an adult do whatever you so choose with your life as long as you're not hurting anybody else. I would never encroach on your freedom to do that and if those around us attempted to do so I would stand by your side to fight it. Hell some of them are some of my friends and even they think it's gone too far. I'm just simply sick of it being forced into everything. There has to be lesbians and gays and transgenders and non-binaries in every freaking show and film within the main cast these days and I'm just sick of it. Trust me, all of us are sick of it aside from a very small percentage of people. So can we please stop with the indoctrination that teeters on Marxism, Please.