BLack Indians while appearing to deal with American History and Indigenous Black Indians, fails in it's scholarship because Katz continually tries to make the point in the book that so called black Indians came from Africa which is false-Katz is disingenuous throughout the entire book because he tries to incorporate whites into America with Black Indians who built America long before Europeans arrived in America via Nova Scotia starving and behaving like savages begging for help.
Katz also attempts to incorporate Native Americans with Black Indians when He has to know Native Americans are from Siberia and are Asian Mongoloids and have no knowledge of American crops and never lived on the SE coast of the US so this destroys his entire scholarship and studies because he misrepresents who Black Indians are falsely claiming they came from Africa when Black Americans are not even the same phenotype or haplogroups as Africans- Africans are not monolithic anyway so Katz like most Jews will never be honest about who BLacks are because he like the US gvnt continues to deny blacks of their birthright as indigenoujs peoples of the US so again it rules out his entire scholarship on this subject matter and the books gets a D- for his fabrications and distortions of who black americans are he mixes apples and oranges and hides the fact that Europeans invaded America and stole land and resources oppressing and brutalizing Black Indians and owe trillions in repair