When something as minor as a Sticker/decal bothers you so much to the point it ruins an entire game for you.
Maybe it’s time you reflect, and ask yourself:
Is it really a “political agenda” for a dev (or anyone) to show their support toward a, generally downcasted, minority group?
If so, what’s their endgame here?
What’s their “agenda” attempting to accomplish?
And in any case, What’s the damage its causing that even makes this an issue?
Lastly….and more importantly: How does it effect you? And why do you let something bother you, when it doesn’t effect your daily life negatively?
I often hear people who complain about these “political agendas” follow up with a “I don’t actually care about gender, race, etc, I just hate seeing this “agenda” pushed.”… LOL.
If that we’re true, then how can it possibly bother you in the first place!?
To have an issue against it, you yourself would have to have your own “political agenda” anyways…. you’re the other side of the same coin you hate to see others toss around.
The lack of self awareness and reflection is concerning.
Oh yeah, so the game itself?
It’s not bad. Unique. Steep learning curve. I on some level agree with people’s ACTUAL GAME RELATED negative feedback. But give it some time and patience & it’ll all come together & click eventually. It gets really good after that.
4 out of 5