Disappointing is a huge understatement. The script is half-baked, the characters have absolutely no depth and the plot is senseless. The music is dire - an auto tuned, generic, poorly written pop soundtrack which seems more like some budding artist’s mediocre and unsuccessful demo album than a movie score, in which almost every song sounds the same. Even the villain song has the same major key, strumming, boppy feel and conveys absolutely no sense of threat or tension. The musical numbers are often poorly integrated. For instance, several songs begin mid-conversation seemingly at random which disrupts the flow of the dialogue. The first song is also used to explain the entire premise of society and workings of the world, which is vital to understand to set the context of the whole film, but way beyond the ability of young children to grasp in that fast-paced and distracting delivery method. Lyrics are often poor and meaningless which adds to the artificial, rushed feel of the whole experience.