The justice this TV show gives to its previously hopeless character, Doris/Katherine, feels satisfying. The cinematography, of course, spared no expense to cast a mood throughout each scene. The reserved yet vengeful quartet felt organic, although sometimes I wish Molly had gotten shot along the way :/ The TRP trio was especially satisfying to watch, the way Ethan and Matty grew, and Johnson's patient observing felt natural to their storylines and how a gang of errand boys would feel on the brink of war. I wished for Joel's story to hold more meaning as I watched it, but it felt much like the father's hopelessness in American Horror Story season 1, where he just moped around and sometimes broke out of his complacency and punched something. He would have always gotten what he intended, as nothing ever seemed to hold a lasting effect to Joel's psyche, so he pushed through and got what he "deserved". All in all, I will most definitely be waiting for a season two, as the Banished Brawlers, with so many loyal members and the intricacies of their group, will not let this final episode's ending be the last.
(P.S. I don't know how to give half star ratings, but I think a 4.5 is more appropriate.)