When I first encountered Greg on Red-Eye, his quirky humor did not immediately appeal to me. As I became more familiar with him through his regular appearances on The Five and his Saturday evening show, I began to understand appreciate his rare talent.
His humor ranges from satire to slapstick to bawdy--he is genuinely funny. Heaven help the political figure on whom Greg focuses his comedic skills, for that corrupt incompetent hack will be cut to ribbons in a matter of a couple of one-liners.
But what sets him apart from garden-variety comedians is his incisive mind, which enables him to analyze current events and often shed on them a unique light. He often leaves me thinking about an issue in a new and superior way.
Greg assembles an ensemble cast of cohosts who are real characters in their own rights: often funny, but also insightful. Now that he has five days a week to work with, he is already bringing in a few faces that are new to me, and they have been wonderful contributors so far.
It will be interesting to see how Greg's show does up against the traditional late-night comedians whose acts have degenerated into political diatribes that are neither funny nor original.
I suspect his show will become appointment viewing for his audience, just as did his Saturday evening show. I am delighted that FNC is giving him this opportunity.