As the author states, this is not an easy book to read.
It is an important one, however. For two reasons (at least):
Firstly, the scale of abuse is far higher than most people are willing to face in western society. All of us will know several people who have experienced abuse, whether they say so or not. It is only by being willing to face into the issue that we ever really stand a chance of saying this is completely intolerable and make it possible for those suffering to come forward without shame or fear of retribution. We aren't there yet, but books like this push us forward in the right direction (I choose to hope and believe). Testament to Vie's tremendous courage that she has spoken out so eloquently and humbly.
Secondly, the second half of the book is about the practical things Vie did, and we can do, to overcome whatever we may have faced in our lives. It is detailed and specific and we all can take something from those final chapters that we can utilise straightaway to improve our self-esteem and ability to love ourselves.
The other thing the book does beautifully and without self-pity, is describe what it is like to live with a number of hidden disabilities and mental health conditions. I take my hat off to Vie for the compassion and clarity with which she undertakes this gentle education of the reader.