When I first saw this movie being advertised I was initially excited. But today and actually went and saw it. This movie felt in a word incomplete. I enjoyed the first half of the film it was beautifully animated and their was plenty of references but that wasn't enough to actually enjoy the second half. Upon this movies conclusion it felt like we were only hitting the middle of the movie. As soon as I saw the words to be continued I was disappointed and passed off. This is the first time I've ever yelled out my discontentment for a movie I literally yelled the word seriously upon the ending. This movie reminds me of the disappointment of the latest animal it was initially fun and enjoyable but by the ending it just leaves the viewer wanting more. This movie is a shameless cash grab it could have been over if there was 30 minutes extra. I now await the 3rd part and in the words of MJ expect disappointment and and you can never truly be disappointed.