Extremely boring.
Plot has only substance in the end and beginning. Everything in between seems like fillers. Even Gollum was wasted.
Gameplay is good but let down by how repetitive it becomes. Each warchief or encounter you get into, you end up being swarmed by up to 30 enemies at a time. It takes like 10-15 hits to kill each which is annoying. How many times must I stab something for it to die??
Mission design is insanely repetitive and side quests have no story. It’s either kill x orcs within 2 minutes or shoot y orcs within z proximity. They have no substance.
A good quarter of main quests are devoted to hunting missions with a dwarf with no personality. This also doesn’t actually end up with anything interesting.
Stealth mechanics are decent but let down by everything else.
Boss fights are let down by endless swarms of cronies.