Turn off your brain and just sick back and enjoy the humor expected of a movie developed by Adam Sandler! We need more action comedies in this world where everything is taken to seriously. I enjoyed a great much needed laugh.
Rel did an amazing job as a bank employee. His scenes always left me laughing because his comedic timing is always on point.
Pierce Bronson has a special way of always looking refined even when he made me laugh out loud a few times.
Ellen Barken was Bronsons perfect match in this movie. Their ability to look so serious then soften into what looked like social lights who robbed a bank. Genius matchup Happy Madison Productions!
Adam Devine gave the good and goofy performance expected of him. His character was a little over the top though, but it was the writing.
Take the time to enjoy the movie for yourself! If you don’t have a sense of humor then watch something else please.