The reasons any Star Trek show was ever good:
1. It had a balance between technology, space, action, and most importantly comedy.
2. Every season had 26 episodes, not 10, not 6, not 4, not 2. It wasn't lazy. You could expect a 7 season run, or hope for it, and watch about 180 episodes.
3. There was always more than one well written character. The show had it's share of narcs and backstabbers, but there were plenty of interesting and leading characters to enjoy, even the ones who ratted on each other were fun.
4. You never knew where the show would go next. Continuous storylines were really what slowly ruined any series. New material and ideas, new adventures and disasters were the bread and butter of the best episodes. Character development was the better continuity, not long multi-episode battles.
5. Forward thinking ideals mattered. Sure there were dog-people and the like. Worf's howling and how his name seems like a combination of woof and arf weren't amazing choices, but his character grew beyond these limitations to become the longest running in the show's history. It was never about how everything is wrong. It was about how it can and was being done better.
Whatever CBS thinks they're doing to recreate these new Star Trek shows is as flawed as JJ Abrams foolish movie trilogy which featured a terrible Rage Against the Machine soundtrack, Muppets, and enough spinning to make me puke. Thanks for the solar flares too buddy. The show is supposed to be smart, fun, and wild.
I know why I like Star Trek. Feel welcome to disagree with my opinion. I do not like Star Trek Picard. I do not like Star Trek Discovery. There are plenty of writers who can do better if the opportunity to write without an agenda were there.