Best multiplayer since reach. Mostly good maps, but not enough options to play. No infection still. Forge is the best in any halo yet, but it still has more issues than it should considering it wasn't available at launch.
Campaign is fun to play and the semi open world is great, but it has the worst story of any halo yet. To be fair, Halo 5's story opened a can of worms, but Halo Infinite couldn't have finished Halo 5's storyline much worse than it did. The rest of the story built up potential for a good sequel, but it ended just where it started to get exciting. Dialogue was the worst an any halo game yet. This was the first halo game where I cringed at some of Master Chiefs lines which are usually very good. The pilot had some good development, but had some God awful lines, as did the Weapon.
Escharum would've been a good secondary villain, but wasn't interesting enough to be the main villain.
Ultimately the gameplay is very good which is why I'm giving this game 4 stars. It is very polished. I would still recommend playing this game, especially Forge if you like making maps, just don't expect a great story.