It starts off very strong and then begins to slow until I found myself repeatedly checking to see how much more I had left, and to often roll my eyes and groan at much of the bed writing/jokes. Now I personally found the cgi and action both quite redeeming, but aside from that, there was little else... The concept of how the pills/powers worked I liked, but even the story idea, it is so tired and old, a man rescuing his daughter, people being guinea pigs of government and or corporations... Yadda yadda, young sidekick joins in and may or may not listen, may or may not become endangered and therefore will need rescuing. Or so I assumed these things immediately would happen... And spoiler, the mother has diabetes of all illnesses, something actually not that costly compared to other things, I actually LOL'd when I heard it, and groaned, as it felt somewhat silly and not thought out. (Anyone uninsured with something chronic like severe diabetes and kidney failure would qualify for Medicare, I figured she had cancer, and hadn't been able to get Medicare yet as that's not a disabling thing! But no, it was something that in actuality is 100% preventable... If you have diabetes and are poor, you can get cheap or free healthcare!) It also felt racist having a black woman who of course had to have diabetes and not ANYthing else, meanwhile shoving PC ideas in your face about how the world of out to get you if you're black or a woman.