A lot of the information and timeline seems to go off of what we already knew while living through it all. Many reviewers didn't like the depiction of the former President nor did they like the depiction of the former FBI Director. However, we were not there, we do not know them personally, however going off what I have heard from both of them, I wouldn't be surprised if their depictions were pretty accurate. I voted for the former President in 2016, for the sheer reason that Hilary Clinton was not in my eyes the right person for the job. I chose the lesser of two evils (in my eyes). However, that was not an easy vote for me. I voted for the current President in 2020 and how the former President reacted (whining and lying) helped solidify a large reasoning for my decision. He was still unfit to hold office. He is not someone I feel should continue to "lead" or represent our country. I would not be surprised if this depicted his character and ego-hungry personality well.