Update to my Original review on Letterbox:
The twists and turn start early in this movie, keeping you at the edge of your feet, with Horror scene after Horror scene and kill by kill. Yes there are some corny, laughable, and Romantic scenes, but that’s what Scream was always about. That’s what Wes craven the director was initially interested in making most of his films as such. Wes was a corny guy.
I noticed a few saying how the movie is just good enough for fans and won’t bring newbies in. I find that comment to be quite pathetic. There were so many in the theatre talking about how the last couple were new to them and made them want to start from the beginning. That’s pretty awesome, if you ask me!
By the ending I noticed who the killers would or could be, it wasn’t that obvious but it also was. Which still kept me on my toes. For a #1 FAN like myself to be, I love where this series is going.
I also disagree about Sidney having to be in the new films. She isn’t needed, and better yet, I hope she comes out in part 7 and dies. So we can see what her insides look like.