Wow. Simply incredible. I just finished it and felt the need to write a review (especially seeing that the ratings have somehow gone down?). WARNING, it is deeply disturbing and some parts were extremely hard to watch. Downright heartbreaking even. But what a phenomenal show. All of the cast did such an amazing job and really pull you in to the story. I love how the story unfolded, how so many little things earlier on had such great meaning later, the use of the poetry in such beautiful ways. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I watched it, frankly. I have fallen in love with these actresses and actors throughout the different series, and this might take number one on the list now. Carla Gugino gave such a spectacular performance, in particular. But it really was a team effort that was flawless and such a pleasure to watch.
How relevant these stories are is uncanny. This really encompassed how disgusting humanity can be and the problems we face now, while showing the beauty in the ugliness.
I can't recommend this enough and I'll probably start rewatching immediately to go over things I missed the first time.